ISVP-SDK  3.12.0
Ingenic Smart Video Platform SDK
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 IMP(Ingenic Media Platform)
 IMP_SystemSystem module including base function such as Bind etc
 IMP_FrameSourceVideo Source is the image source of IMP system, it can set some functions such as setting the image resolution, cropping, scaling and other properties as well as the back-end noise reduction function
 IMP_ISPImage signal processing unit
 IMP_EncoderVideo encoding (H264, JPEG)modules,including video encoding channel management and it's parameter setting and so on
 IMP_DecoderVideo Decoder modules, only support JEPG decode for now
 IMP_AudioAudio module, including audio record and playback, audio encoding and decoding, volume and gain setting, (audio) echo cancellation, automatic gain function and so on
 IMP_OSDOSD module,On the video stream we can superimpose pictures, bitmap,line,rectangular box
 IMP_IVSIVS intelligent analysis common API
 MoveDetectionMotion detection interface
 System Utils
 Sysutils_ADCAnalog to digital conversion module
 Sysutils_BaseSystem Basic Functions
 Sysutils_CipherEncryption and Decryption manage