Amazon Alexa
2021-08-14It is possible to connect Alexa and Domoticz.
For this, install habridge, see article: link Domoticz-Alexa : ha-bridge
Customize the connection to Alexa and Domoticz:
Connect to the interface: http: // pi _ Address: 8082
tab «bridge control» :
Use Rooms for Alexa TRUE
domoticz …:
name= What we want.
IP = PI Address
port = AddressPI
Click Add.
Unique ID to use 9 Octets : Check true.
Usually the rest is configured properly. Click on “Save” . Refresher the page.
Choose Devices
Go to the tab «Domoticz Devices». It should appear. Click on the checkbox of those you want to check, then click “Bulk Add”
Now you can go to the interface, and add the devices: “ Connected House “ - > Devices - > Detect.
Choose Devices