Add a page
Pages appear in the left menu, not in the list of posts.
To add a new page, simply create a file in the directory xx, où _xx is the code of your language. This file must have an extension «.md» to show that it is a file markdown. This page
This file must start with a header in YAML format as follows:
lang: xx
lang-niv: fonto
lang-ref: 001-yyy
layout: page
title: 'zzz'
The fields to change are:
lang: : replace xx with the code of your language.
lang-ref : this field allows you to identify the page, replace 001-yyy with what you want, it must be unique in your blog, and it is used to sort the pages in the menu, so it it is recommended to start with a three-digit number as in the example to control the order of the pages in the menu.
title: : replace zzz with the title of your page.
Now add the content of your post, and when you are satisfied with your text, start the translation with the script traduki that is in the folder scripts. You can launch it either from the command line or from the file explorer.