Original firmware
open ports
TCP: 80(HTTP), 443(HTP too!), 554(RTSP), 8004, 8006, 9527(, 9999
UDP: 67 ( DHCP ), 3702, 8002, 39642
Port 80: HTTP
http: // IP: login: admin:, Password: admin
Port 443: HTTP
http: // IP: 443: login: admin:, Password: admin
Port 554: RTSP
Main current:
IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ffplay -i rtsp://admin:admin@$IP/stream1 ffplay -i rtsp://admin:admin@$IP/mpeg4/ch0/main/av_stream
flux secondaire :
IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ffplay -i rtsp://admin:admin@$IP/stream2 ffplay -i rtsp://admin:admin@$IP/mpeg4/ch1/main/av_stream
port 8004:? , opened by jco_server
port 8006:? , opened by jco_server
Port 9527: Telnet
telnetd IP 9527
: Login: root, Password: jco66688, accessible for 5 minutes, closed after.
Not be disconnected after 5 minutes: killall -9 auto_run.sh
To stop JCO_server :
killall -9 auto_run.sh
killall -9 jco_server;echo 'V'>/dev/watchdog;echo 'V'>/dev/watchdog0
port 9999: used to control the camera, example:
echo "checkuser -act set -user admin -password admin" | nc $IP 9999
echo "list" | nc $IP 9999
echo "pelcod20ctrl -?" | nc $IP 9999
echo "pelcod20ctrl -type 1" | nc $IP 9999
UDP 67: open of udhcpd
UDP 3702:? , opened by jco_server
internal flash memory
Flash memory is distributed as follows:
score | description |
mtdblock0 | u-bootloader |
mtdblock1 | boot config |
mtdblock2 | u-boot inheritance uImage, linux-kernel |
mtdblock3 | pumpkins = / |
mtdblock4 | squashfs, mounted on / ipc |
mtdblock5 | jffs2, mounted on / opt |
u-boot (partition mtdblock0) loads the kernel into mtdblock2.
default options in u-boot loader:
bootargs = console = ttyS1,115200n8 mem = 43M @ 0x0 rmem = 21M @ 0x2B00000 init = / linuxrc rootfstype = squashfs root = / dev / mtdblock3
bootcmd = sf probe; sf read 0x80600000 0x48000 0x280000; bootm 0x80600000
bootdelay = 1
baud rate = 115200
loads_eoo = 1
ethaddr = 00: 11: 22: 33: 44: 74
ipaddr =
serverip =
gatewayip =
netmask =
options in mtdblock1:
- baud rate = 115200
- bootcmd = sf probe; sf read 0x80600000 0x48000 0x280000; bootm 0x80600000
- bootdelay = 1
- ethact = Jz4775-9161
- gatewayip =
- ipaddr =
- loads_eoo = 1
- netmask =
- serverip =
- stderr = series
- stdin = series
- stdout = series
- ethaddr =:::::
- device_id =*******
- devinfo = jcoxa*******************
- bootargs = console = ttyS1,115200n8 mem = 42M @ 0x0 rmem = 22M @ 0x2A00000 init = / linuxrc rootfstype = squashfs root = / dev / mtdblock3 flash = SF sensor = GC2053 maxheight = 1080 device_id =***** ethaddr =:::::** devinfo = jcoxa******************* cpu = T21 ddr = 64M mtdparts = jz_sfc: 256K @ 0K(sf-bootloader), 32K @ 256K(sf-bootenv), 1440K @ 288K() sf-kernel), 832K @ 172 8K(sf-rootfs), 4928K @ 2560K(sf-ipcfs), 704K @ 7488 K(sf-miscfs)
Linux version:
Linux version 3.10.14__isvp_turkey_1.0__ (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Ingenic r2.3.3 2016.12) ) # 3 PREEMPT Sat Jun 22 10:40:55 CST 2019
Notable files in /:
- /bin/busybox :
- [, [[, ash, awk, base64, basename , blockdev, bootchartd, bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2, cat, chmod, chown, cmp, cp, cut, date, dd, depmod, devmem, df,
- dhcprelay, diff, dirname, dmesg , dnsdomainname, du, dumpleases, echo, egrep, expr, fdflush, fdformat, fdisk, fgrep, find, flash_eraseall,
- grego, libera, fandilo, getty, grep , gzip, halt, hd, head, hexdump, hostname, hwclock, ifconfig, init, insmod, iostat, kill, killall, klogd, less,
- linuxrc, ln, logger, login, logread , ls, lsmod, md5sum, mdev, mesg, mkdir, mkdosfs, mkfs.vfat, mknod, mktemp, modinfo, modprobe, mount,
- montopunkto, mpstat, mv, nc, netstat, passwd , ping, pmap, poweroff, powertop, printf, ps, pstree, pwd, pwdx, readahead, reboot, rev, rm, rmdir,
- rmmod, route, sed, sh, dormo, smemcap , sort, stat, strings, swap, swap, sync, system, system, queue, tar on, screenshot, telnet, test, tftp, time,
- pause, top, touch, tr, true, tty, udhcpc, udhcpd, umount, unxz, unzip, uptime, users, usleep, vi, volname, watch, wc, kiu, xargs, xz,
- xzcat
- / lib: standard libraries.
notable files in /ipc :
- /ipc/app/jco_server
- main program, made simultaneously server http, rtsp, …
- /ipc/drv : linux drivers
- motor.ko
- /ipc/lib : libraries ) * libimp.so: biblioteko ingenic IMP ( Ingenic Media Platform )
note: libimp.so differs from the one delivered for the T20, and the one delivered with the T20 is not suitable.
GPIO ports
ports blocked by motor.ko: 18? 38 39 40 41 47 48 49 60?
ports blocked by audio.ko: 63?
port 46 = infrared LEDs.
port 52 =?
port 64 =?
port 81 = blue LEDs.
Core review:
- Information:
binwalk mtdblock2.bin
- Result:
Decimal Hexadecimal Description
——————————————————————————– 0 0x0 UIMAGE Header, Header Size: 64 bytes, Header CRC: 0x7b9de864, Created: 2019-06-22 02:41:00, Image Size: 1466358 bytes, Data Address: 0x80010000, Entrance point: 0x80388340, CRC data: 0xb83dca15,
- Result:
- MTDBLOCK2 DATE extraction:
tail -c+65 < mtdblock2.bin >mtdblock2.dataz
- Core extraction:
- List of drivers included:
strings kernel|grep "^drivers"
< H21 > List of source files:
strings kernel|grep "\.[cChTsS]$"
- Symbol list